A fantastic tip for allowing yourself to experience a little hit of pleasure every time you complete a health snack is to make it visual. One of my patients uses a wall chart and stickers to track his workouts. Seeing all the days he’s managed to get in some exercise provides him with all the motivation he needs to keep going. He has a visual record of his success and doesn’t want to see his streak being broken.
I’ve created a wall chart for you to use here – downloadable Wall Chart. Once you have ticked off your health snacks for a few days in a row, you will start to build momentum and you won’t want to stop. In my experience, celebrating every single little success is just so important. We start to crave those small moments of victory. We feel bad if we miss them. When this happens to you, you’ll know the programme is working!
Download and print the Wall Chart and place on your fridge.
This chart is taken from my new book Feel Better in 5, available now.

Dr Rangan Chatterjee
MbChB, BSc (Hons), MRCP, MRCGP