The Stress Solution – The 4 Steps to reset your Body, Mind, Relationships & Purpose.
Make no mistake about it, we are living in the middle of a stress epidemic. Every day, I see patients who are literally stressing themselves to an early grave. Things are so bad that the World Health Organization calls stress ‘the health epidemic of the twenty-first century’.Common complaints such as low libido, anxiety, poor memory, inability to concentrate and many gut problems seem completely unrelated but often have stress as a root cause.
Stress can have devastating long-term consequences for health. It can contribute to the development of obesity, insomnia, burn-out, type 2 diabetes, auto-immune disease, depression, high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, strokes and even Alzheimer’s disease.
Despite these risks, far too many are blasé about stress. The way we’re living our modern lifestyle is causing us a lot of problems. We think we can get away with burning the candle at both ends forever. The reality is very different.
To combat this epidemic, I wrote The Stress Solution. In the book I offer a series of practical solutions and simple interventions to help you de-stress and re-set your life. Combatting stress can be easier than you think. Many people don’t realise that by implementing small changes to their routine they can reduce or completely eradicate stress. Most of these solutions are simple and take less than fifteen minutes a day. I’ve seen these tools change the lives of thousands of my patients. I know they’ll do the same for you. The Stress Solution will help you to live a happier, more fulfilling and stress-free life.