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How To Live Your Life Without Regret, The Importance of Speaking Your Truth & Why Silencing Yourself Impacts Your Health & Happiness with Africa Brooke

by Dr. Rangan Chatterjee   /  May 22, 2024

How often do you stop yourself from saying what you really think for fear of being rejected, punished, or not fitting in? Whether it’s sharing our true thoughts at work, online, or with loved ones, self-censorship can prevent us from fully expressing ourselves and living authentically. It can also have profoundly negative consequences for our health and happiness.

This week’s guest is Africa Brooke, an internationally recognised consultant, accredited coach, public speaker and podcaster. She’s also the author of the wonderful new book, The Third Perspective: Brave Expression in the Age of Intolerance.

In our conversation, Africa explains the different ways in which we silence ourselves and the severe consequences, over time, when we don’t change course. She also explains the importance of creating a culture where everyone has room to mess up, stumble, learn and grow – privately and publicly – without the overwhelming pressure to be perfect.

Africa shares her journey with addiction and reveals how it taught her valuable lessons about the importance of self-honesty and authentic expression for personal wellbeing and growth. She emphasises that the path to overcoming self-censorship starts with self-awareness, taking responsibility for our values, and practising honest expression, even if it feels uncomfortable.

We also explore how we can better approach disagreements with others, the importance of avoiding absolutist thinking and how we can model healthy expression for our children, by showing up as our imperfect selves – by living and speaking our truth, we build trust and give them permission to do the same.

I think Africa is someone who is talking about a crucially important topic in the most beautiful, profound and compassionate way. My hope is that this conversation serves as a powerful reminder of the freedom and wholeness that comes with authentic self-expression and how embracing our true voice is a courageous and transformative act.

Disclaimer: The content in the podcast and on this webpage is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.*

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Watch the video version of the conversation here:

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Africa’s book:

The Third Perspective: Brave Expression in the Age of Intolerance

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*DISCLAIMER: Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on the podcast or on my website.

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Dr. Rangan Chatterjee MbChB, BSc (Hons), MRCP, MRCGP