Mindfulness Instead of Medication with Danny Penman
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What is mindfulness? And what really are the benefits? Author and expert in mindfulness and meditation, Dr Danny Penman explains it all. We discuss how numerous clinical trials have proven that mindfulness is as good as medication for depression and in some cases, even better. We also talk about how effective mindfulness breathing can be for pain control and many other conditions. Danny explains how rather than consuming time, practising meditation or mindfulness actually frees up more time. Stress can permeate every aspect of our lives and every organ in our bodies. Setting aside just 10-20 minutes a day and focusing on our breathing can have a really profound long-term effect on our bodies and minds. For those of you who aren’t sure where to start – Danny talks us through a simple breathing mindfulness exercise. Finally, he gives some brilliant tips on how we can incorporate mindfulness into our everyday lives. I hope that this helps you in your lives and that you enjoy listening.
Episode Highlights:
- What traumatic event led to Danny’s regular practice of mindfulness meditation?
- Hear how Danny believes his breathing practice & meditation helped him reduce his pain symptoms through treatment.
- Where did Danny learn the breathing meditation he used and how does he describe what he does when practising?
- Danny goes through a short breathing meditation and how to practise it. See links below for some simple guided meditation practices.
- What does Danny think are the benefits of mindfulness and breathing techniques?
- Hear how Danny describes that mindfulness can be a source of pain relief.
- What does Danny think about our daily habits and how consciously breaking small habits can have a fundamental change in your life experience.
- When does Danny practise meditation and how does this affect his outlook and interactions with others?
- How can Danny help you find time to meditate?
- Hear about different types of ‘movement meditation’ and how they can be of benefit.
- What are some of the problems people have with starting a daily practice of meditation?
- What are Danny’s top tips?
Further learning: