#76|October 2, 2019|Brain Health

How to Optimise Your Brain Health with Dr Rahul Jandial

We are undergoing a huge technological experiment. In our pockets, we have tiny technological miracles through which we can communicate instantly with anyone on the planet. We are constantly bombarded with endless information. But what impact is all this having on our brain?

Why is it important to allow our brains to drift into random thoughts and be creative? I discuss all this with neuroscientist and brain surgeon, Dr. Rahul Jandial, who loves technology but believes that we need to structure some boundaries around its use – especially for children.

We talk about the impact of music on the brain and what it means to be in a flow state. Dr. Jandial explains what happens in the brain when we engage in what he calls “meditative breathing” and why he is such a huge proponent of it.

He explains how his knowledge of brain health has shaped the way he parents – from encouraging navigational skills in his children to exposing them to a diverse range of experiences. It seems where the brain is concerned – if you don’t use it, you lose it!

Finally, he draws on his years of experience as a brain surgeon to share some practical tips that can help us all get the best out of our minds.


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