How To Find Inspiration Everywhere You Look with Light Watkins
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CAUTION: This episode contains mild swearing.
My guest today is internationally acclaimed meditation teacher, speaker, and author, Light Watkins. I first spoke to him back on episode 23 of the podcast, when I know he inspired many of you to start a practice of meditation by breaking down common misconceptions and stripping away some of the rules and rigidity around meditation. So we begin this episode by talking about how our own approaches to meditation have evolved. We discuss the importance of consistency and how meditation is a catalyst for change even when you’re not meditating.
Light explains how he committed to sending out a Daily Dose of Inspiration – a positive story, anecdote, or learning – to his email list back in 2016. Now, some of these emails have come together in Light’s latest book, Knowing Where To Look: 108 Daily Doses Of Inspiration. We talk about how he managed this huge undertaking – by approaching writing in the same way he meditates: consistently. The process quickly showed him that it’s possible to find inspiration everywhere you look. It trained him to look at life through a different lens and find life’s silver linings. In this conversation, Light shares how we can all find the inspiration that is all around us by training ourselves to look for it.
We talk about how you can learn to trust your inner guide by starting small – Light calls it his ‘divine GPS’, a power greater than himself that’s showing him the way to go. Whether you believe in a higher power or not, just being open to the idea that there’s a different way to view every situation is a powerful skill to cultivate. Think, ‘Why is this happening for me’ not ‘Why is it happening to me’, he advises.
This conversation is full of inspiring anecdotes and advice that I hope will give you a new perspective.