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Recipe: Mushroom and Leek Wrap

by Dr Rangan Chatterjee   /  December 14, 2017

Recipe by Vidhaata Chatterjee

Ingredients (per wrap)

  • 3 medium sized portobello mushrooms/ 4-5 other variety
  • 1 leek
  • 2 eggs
  • oregano
  • handful chopped coriander
  • sea salt/ pink Himalayan salt
  • coconut oil
  • chili flakes (optional)

Note: You will need a 23cm frying pan for the omelette. I find a cast-iron pan works best.

  1. Wash and thinly slice the mushrooms and leek.
  2. Crack the eggs into a bowl and whisk with a fork. Add a pinch of salt into the egg mixture and mix in.
  3. Heat some fat in a frying pan (medium flame) and then add the mushrooms and leek.
  4. Sauté the vegetables for around 3-4 minutes, until tender. Add a pinch of salt and oregano whilst cooking.
  5. Add the coriander in at the end and stir.
  6. If you want to use the same pan for the egg wrap, put the mushrooms and leeks into a bowl and cover to keep warm. Then wipe the pan out with some kitchen towel to ensure there is no residue.
  7. Use a 23cm frying pan for the egg wrap. Heat the pan on a medium flame.
  8. Add some fat to the frying pan (make sure that you have enough fat so that the egg does not stick to the pan when it is cooked – I use at least a tablespoon of coconut oil). When the fat has melted, swirl it around so that it covers the base of the pan.
  9. Pour the eggs into the pan. Move the pan around so that the egg mixture becomes evenly distributed and the whole base of the pan is covered.
  10. Keep moving the pan to ensure even distribution. When the omelette is beginning to solidify, use a spatula to lightly loosen the edges and stop it sticking to the pan. The omelette should be thin – a bit like a pancake.
  11. When the eggs have set on the pan-side (the non-cooked side should still appear moist), flip the omelette. If you are not confident at flipping, use a plate that is bigger than the pan and gently slide cooked-side of the omelette onto the plate. Then, carefully turn the plate upside down onto the pan so that the other side can be cooked.
  12. Cook the other side until it is golden – this should only take a few seconds.
  13. Slide the omelette onto a plate.
  14. Put the leek and mushrooms on half of the omelette and gently fold the other half over the mushrooms. Season with chilli flakes for an extra punch of flavour!
  15. Enjoy!

TIP: Fold the omelette in half to keep warm if making more than one


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Dr. Rangan Chatterjee MbChB, BSc (Hons), MRCP, MRCGP