#16|May 4, 2018|Nutrition and Food

Jamie Oliver’s Ambush on Childhood Obesity and Learning to Cook

Dr Chatterjee talks to celebrity TV chef, restaurateur, and childhood obesity campaigner Jamie Oliver on his ambitions as a boy working in his family’s business, his current role as an obesity campaigner, and what he’s working on for the future.

“Obesity kills more people than any conflict on the planet, so that’s why we should treat it as war”

*Please note this podcast contains some swearing*

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Episode Highlights:

  • When he was a boy, what did Jamie think he would be doing when he grew up?
  • How did Jamie’s parents influence his love of food and work ethic?
  • When did Jamie discover his real passion for food?
  • What are Jamie’s aspirations in 2018?
  • What did Jamie go back to study recently?
  • How are Jamie, Rangan, and others trying to influence government legislation to help fight childhood obesity?
  • Listen to details on Jamie’s previous meetings with The Prime Minister, David Cameron.
  • How does Jamie think his years of producing recipes can help the NHS today?
  • Hear about Jamie’s plans for his 2030 project.

You can see the video version of this interview in full below.

Dr Chatterjee’s Resources:


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More Info on Jamie:

Find out about Jamie’s plan to tackle childhood obesity: Jamie’s Food Revolution

Jamie Oliver’s cookbook: Jamie Cooks Italy

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More Info on Jamie:

Find out about Jamie’s plan to tackle childhood obesity: Jamie’s Food Revolution

Jamie Oliver’s cookbook: Jamie Cooks Italy