#416|January 10, 2024|Nutrition and Food, Stress and Anxiety

The Truth About Stress, Belly Fat, Alcohol and Journalling & How To Tune Into Your Body & Mind with Neuroscientist Tara Swart

For today’s brand new episode, I’m pleased to welcome back the wonderful Dr Tara Swart. Tara is a neuroscientist, a former medical doctor & psychiatrist, a lecturer at MIT, an executive coach and author of the bestselling book, The Source. She also hosts the podcast Reinvent Yourself with Dr Tara.

If you’ve listened to my two previous episodes with Tara, you’ll remember her unique talent for using neuroscience and behavioural psychology to probe ideas, theories, and practices that many believe work, but we’re not sure why. 

This insightful and often unusual episode takes a deep and meaningful look at stress – what exactly it is, what impact it has on health and how it predisposes us to storing fat. We also discuss the most effective ways to manage stress, the best ways to build resilience and the benefits of practices like journalling. 

We really do cover a whole variety of different topics today including metacognition, the definition of spirituality, what exactly intuition and interoception are, and how we can use them to get to know our minds and bodies more intimately. We talk about rituals, the incredible power of creativity, beauty, and time spent in nature. And finally, we ask some big questions around the topic of death and consciousness, which Tara is increasingly drawn to studying. 

If you’re someone who’s interested in alternative thinking and new ideas, but likes the reassurance of scientific backing, Tara’s warmth and wisdom will tick all your boxes. If you’re a sceptic – well, this conversation might just open your mind.


Watch the video version of the conversation here:


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