Why Mindset is The Key to Success with Tom Bilyeu
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CAUTION ADVISED: this podcast contains swearing.
Do you believe that people’s values can change, or are they set in stone? Can you gain talent and intelligence through practice, or are they innate? Do you have a growth mindset or a fixed one?
My guest on this week’s show is convinced that change is available to all of us, at any time. Tom Bilyeu is a US entrepreneur who co-founded a billion-dollar nutrition company. His weekly YouTube show, Impact Theory, explores the mindset of the world’s highest achievers, to share the secrets of their success. And during this conversation, you’ll learn how to implement some of those yourself.
We talk about the importance of being a learner and how openness to criticism is, in fact, a superpower. We also discuss how to shift self-limiting beliefs. One of Tom’s mantras is: ‘only do and believe that which moves you towards your goal’ and he describes how you can use that to change your thinking around things like weight loss or fitness.
Tom and I delve into topics like nutrition and diet, although we do not necessarily share the same views – but that’s the beauty of a conversation like this, being open to debate. He has what he calls ‘strong convictions, loosely held’ and I love that as a description of a mind that’s always curious and open. As a doctor, I know different methods work for different people – and at different times. So health is a great example of why a fixed mindset isn’t helpful.
Tom’s motivation and passion for life is infectious. His mission is to help people live to their full potential and execute their dreams – I hope after listening to this chat you’ll want to start working towards yours.
N.B. this conversation was recorded in October 2019.
Watch the video version of this interview in full below:
Watch the full interview on YouTube
Further Learning:
- Developing a Growth Mindset with Carol Dweck
- The Guardian – Antifragile: How To Live in a World We Don’t Understand by Nassim Taleb
- Antifragile: Nassim Nicholas Taleb
- More about Geoff Canada
- The Guardian – The Roger Bannister effect
- Impact Theory – Tom’s 25 point belief system