#35|November 7, 2018|Mental Health

Why Depression Isn’t All In The Mind with Professor Edward Bullmore

Worldwide, depression will be the single biggest cause of disability in the next 20 years. But treatment for it has not changed much in the last three decades. In the world of psychiatry time has apparently stood still. Up until now, depression has not been considered to be a physical illness but rather something that is all in the mind.

In this week’s episode, I talk to world-leading researcher, Professor of Psychiatry and author, Edward Bullmore, about the new science on the link between depression and inflammation of the body and brain. We delve into how and why we now know that mental disorders can have their root cause in the immune system and how identifying the root cause in each individual patient would lead to more effective targeted treatment. Professor Bullmore explains that stress is probably the biggest risk factor for depression and we talk about how lifestyle can be used to combat it. I hope you enjoy the conversation!

Episode Highlights:

  • What are some of the main symptoms of depression (Major Depressive Disorder)?
  • What other ailments are now being recognised as having depressive symptoms?
  • Is there an association with depression and inflammation?
  • Hear how Edward sees that inflammation can be seen as a precursor to depression.
  • Edward talks about The Dunedin Study.
  • What do Edward and Rangan think about the current separate set-up for mental health services and physical health services?
  • What does Edward think about the link between social stress, inflammation & depression?
  • Hear how Edward believes childhood experiences can have an impact on depressive symptoms later in life.
  • What do Rangan & Edward think about the importance of immunology, research into it and its part to play in most ill-health?
  • How can lifestyle changes improve depression symptoms?
  • Does Edward believe practices such as yoga, meditation & mindfulness can help treat depression?
  • What affect does Edward think diet can have on depression?
  • What challenges did Edward have when writing The Inflamed Mind?
  • To find out more about Edward Bullmore’s upcoming clinical trial on treatments for depression please visit: https://www.neuroimmunology.org.uk/take-part/

Further reading:


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